
Robert Breedlove | Gauge Theory, Gold, and Bitcoin | The Weinstein Series | Episode 1 (WiM079)
Guest Appearances, Longform
Eric Weinstein joins Robert Breedlove for a multi-episode conversation covering mathematics, physics, history, politics, economics, and money.
Find episodes 2 and 3 here.
00:00:00 “What is Money?” Intro 00:00:08 Introduction…

What Bitcoin Did – Eric Weinstein on Bitcoin
Guest Appearances, Longform
Eric Weinstein on Bitcoin was a discussion on What Bitcoin Did by Peter McCormack, with co-host Travis Kling and guest Eric Weinstein.
Bitcoin can be a toxic place. If you question a narrative or fall on the wrong side of a debate,…

A Portal Special Presentation- Geometric Unity: A First Look
Longform, The Portal Podcast
Eric Weinstein first presented Geometric Unity in three lectures delivered over the course of a week at the University of Oxford by invitation of Marcus du Sautoy, the Simonyi Professor for the Public Understanding of Science. The lectures…