Modern Wisdom Clips | Are Humans Really Able To Think Freely?
Clips, Guest Appearances
Chris Williamson and Eric Weinstein discuss how to not get captured by an idea.
Why is free thinking under attack according to Eric?
How does Eric handle criticism?
Will Eric get back into podcasting?

Modern Wisdom Clips | Why Does Kamala Harris Keep Repeating This Quote?
Clips, Guest Appearances
Chris Williamson and Eric Weinstein discuss Kamala Harris’ repeated phrase. Where does this phrase come from according to Eric? Are we under estimating Kamala Harris according to Eric?

Modern Wisdom Clips | “I Don’t Know If Trump Will Be Allowed To Become President”
Clips, Guest Appearances
Chris Williamson and Eric Weinstein discuss the future of Trump's presidential. Why is Eric hesitant about Trump being elected as president? Who is running the United States according to Eric? What is the "rules-based international order" according…

Modern Wisdom Clips | “You’re Watching The Beginning Of A Crash”
Chris Williamson and Eric Weinstein discuss the collapse of String Theory. Why is String Theory a dead end according to Eric? Who does Eric think is responsible for the derailment of physics? What new theories are on the horizon according to…

Modern Wisdom Clips | Is Google Trying To Influence The 2024 Election?
Chris Williamson and Eric Weinstein discuss Google's influence on election results. Does Eric trust Big Tech? What are emergent effects according to Eric? Why are tech employees majority Democrat according to Eric?

The Portal Clips | Who are you and get out of my lab: Eric Weinstein predicts Activists Coming for Academic Biology
From "What Is The Future of The Intellectual Dark Web? | Eric Weinstein | ACADEMIA | Rubin Report" originally aired on September 25, 2018.