
Modern Wisdom Clips | “You’re Watching The Beginning Of A Crash”
Chris Williamson and Eric Weinstein discuss the collapse of String Theory. Why is String Theory a dead end according to Eric? Who does Eric think is responsible for the derailment of physics? What new theories are on the horizon according to…

Duncan Trussell Family Hour | DTFH 620 Eric Weinstein
Guest Appearances, Longform
Eric Weinstein is a mathematician, economist, public speaker, podcast host, and coined the term "intellectual dark web" and is very good at simultaneously freaking Duncan out with his terrifying prognostications regarding the future of humanity…

The Joe Rogan Experience #2171 | Eric Weinstein & Terrence Howard
Guest Appearances, Longform
Eric's seventh appearance on the Joe Rogan Experience. See all episodes here.Eric Weinstein holds a PhD in mathematical physics from Harvard University and is a member of the Galileo Project research team.Terrence Howard is an actor of stage…

Discussing Terrence Howard on X Spaces | Eric Weinstein & Brian Keating
Guest Appearances, Live Streams, Longform
Does 1x1=2? Is the periodic table wrong? Are all conspiracies wrong? Are experts failing us?
It is clear that there is a growing public distrust of experts and institutions, and even more clear that this has severe consequences for society…

Can Physics Ever Get to the Truth? | Eric Weinstein & Hilary Lawson clash over the nature of reality
Clips, Guest Appearances
Philosopher Hilary Lawson goes head to head with mathematical physicist Eric Weinstein over the nature of reality. Is metaphysics still relevant? This excerpt was taken from the debate 'The matrix, myths and metaphysics,' which took place at…

Modern Wisdom Clips | What Did Jeffrey Epstein Want With Stephen Hawking?
Clips, Guest Appearances
Chris and Eric Weinstein discuss the most recent Jeffery Epstein files. What did Jeffrey Epstein want from Stephen Hawking according to Eric Weinstein? Why did Eric Weinstein think Jeffrey Epstein was interested in physics? What is the power…