A previously unreleased conversation from the vault, back in Spring 2022. As relevant as ever, hear Eric’s thoughts on sundry topics such as:
00:00:00 What’s new?
00:12:45 The twin nuclei and the unleashing of great power
00:16:13 Harry Truman vs Kamala Harris.
00:21:00 The problems with our leadership.
00:25:15 Distinguishing between “complicated” and “complex”. Keating’s pedagogy.
00:27:00 What happened on September 12th, 2001?
00:30:17 Are we in a death spiral?
00:31:21 The acceleration of science and the role of engineering.
00:35:22 What new fundamental theories should we focus on?
00:38:10 Do a few people wield too much power?
00:39:27 Games countries and the ultrawealthy play, and how to prevent the collapse of civilization.
00:55:07 The argument for academic freedom.
01:01:00 Questions from The Metaphoric Mind: Can the sacred, intuitive, and rationale co-exist?
01:14:52 How can a new scientific paradigm be encouraged to emerge?
01:18:15 What is the key datum you would need to pick the best-unified theory?
01:20:55 Eric’s current views on bitcoin and crypto.