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How Politics Became Pro Wrestling | Part 1

The first of a three-part series on Eric Weinstein’s ideas about growth, stagnation, and political fakery. WATCH PART 2 HERE Frame Problems is a video essay channel focused on science, art, philosophy, politics, and culture. TWITTER: https://twitter.com/JakeOrthwein NEWSLETTER: https://frameproblems.substack.com/ WEBSITE: https://frameproblems.com/ SOURCES: https://www.edge.org/response-detail/… https://www.amazon.com/Ringside-Histo… TIMESTAMPS: 00:00 Cold Open: CM Punk’s Pipebomb 01:18 What is Kayfabe? […]


The Joe Rogan Experience #1628

Joe Rogan Experience #1628 interview with Eric Weinstein by Joe Rogan on the Joe Rogan Experience. Eric releases his Theory of Geometric Unity. This is Eric’s fifth appearance on the Joe Rogan Experience. See all episodes here. Geometric Unity on The Portal Wiki


Eric In the Trenches with Ryan Roxie #7064​

In the Trenches with Ryan Roxie is a podcast hosted by Alice Cooper guitarist Ryan Roxie. The show features in depth conversations with the worlds hardest working musicians and entertainers…the ones that grind, the ones that commit, the ones who make their dreams come true…in the trenches. This Episode features Commentator, Podcast Host, and Guitarist […]