
Eric Weinstein | Fix The Money To Leave The World – Bitcoin 2022 Conference
Guest Appearances, Longform, Panel Appearances
Eric sits down with Avi Loeb for the closing talk at the Bitcoin 2022 conference in Miami. They discuss how Bitcoin may enable humanity to spread outside our solar system by funding new physics that takes us beyond Einstein.

Eric Weinstein on Intellegent Design & UFOs
Clips, Guest Appearances
Clip from 'Bitcoin & the Culture Wars with Eric Weinstein' - What Bitcoin Did Episode 466. Watch the full episode here.

AMERICAN ALCHEMY | The Physics of UFOs: Eric Weinstein + Hal Puthoff
Guest Appearances, Longform
Hal Puthoff is former CIA, NSA and AATIP (the government’s official UFO investigation program). In the 70’s, he oversaw Stargate: the government’s psychic spy program at Stanford Research Institute. In this conversation, we discuss the…

Brian Keating | Eric Weinstein: 2021 Year in Review
Guest Appearances, Live Streams, Longform
It's been a phenomenal year for some folks; a tough year for others. Join us live to review the year that was and look forward to 2022 too! A wide-ranging, fun, free for all conversation with my friend Eric Weinstein!

American Alchemy – Eric Weinstein Wants to Get Off This Planet
Guest Appearances, Longform
Eric Weinstein is a mathematician, cultural commentator and Managing Director of Thiel Capital. He has a theory in physics, called Geometric Unity, which attempts to reconcile quantum field theory and relativity. He's a walking anomaly and…

Eric Weinstein & Michael Shermer: An honest dialogue about UFOs
Guest Appearances, Longform
What is the nature of the abundant accounts of unexplained aerial phenomena? Are they harbingers of advanced extraterrestrial engineering, math, and physics, beyond our standard model? Or is there a more prosaic, though no less significant…