
Into the Impossible – Eric and Lee Smolin on Theories of Everything
Guest Appearances, Live Streams, Longform
Also on The Portal Wiki.
Eric and Lee Smolin join Dr. Brian Keating on the Into the Impossible podcast to discuss theories of everything, including Eric's Theory of Geometric Unity.

Eric on PBS Space Time | Theory of Everything Controversies: Livestream
Guest Appearances, Longform
The description below was taken from the original YouTube video's description by PBS Space Time.
Existing Theories of Everything have not yet produced experimental evidence that solves the fundamental challenges facing physics. That lack…

The Story Behind String Theory – Garrett Lisi
Clips, The Portal Clips
"And that is really the founding crime for me in the string revolution, it was the desire to say that everyone who is not part of us is an idiot." - Eric Weinstein
In this portal podcast clip, Eric Weinstein discusses the story behind String…

The Portal Podcast #015: Garrett Lisi – My Arch-nemesis, Myself
Longform, The Portal Podcast
Garrett Lisi, the so called "Surf Bum with a Theory of Everything (or T.O.E.)", is a PhD theoretical physicist who has refused to be captured by the theoretical physics community. By making shrewd investments, he has avoided holding…

Eric on Big Think: Why Can’t We Find the Theory of Everything? Einstein, Rogue Genius, String Theory
Guest Appearances, Longform
Einstein’s theory of relativity revolutionized our view of the universe, positing a space-time continuum undergirding all reality. Equally impactful has been quantum mechanics, which describe the behavior of subatomic particles in ways that…

M-theory / String Theory is the Only Game in Town
M-theory / String Theory is the Only Game in Town
If one views science as an economist, it would stand to reason that the scientific theory that should be first retired would be the one…