IAI Live | On the quest for the theory of everything | Sabine Hossenfelder, Eric Weinstein, Brian Greene, Michael Shermer
Guest Appearances, Live Streams, Longform, Panel Appearances
Sabine Hossenfelder, Eric Weinstein, Brian Greene and Michael Shermer discuss whether it is possible to find a theory that explains it all. Philosophy has often been seen as a hunt for a theory of everything, a single grand narrative that explains…

Did string theory poison physics | Eric Weinstein and Brian Greene partially agree over theories of everything
Clips, Guest Appearances, Panel Appearances
Eric Weinstein and Brian Greene argue over the poisonous culture of string theory.
This excerpt is from the live QnA section of the IAI Live debate titled The End of Everything. To watch the full debate and panellists Brian Greene, Eric…

A Day of Reckoning – 4 – Sam Harris, Eric Weinstein, Bret Weinstein, Maajid Nawaz, Douglas Murray
Panel Appearances
Session 4 - Reckoning - What Really Matters?
A Day of Reckoning was an all day conference that took place in Sydney, Australia at the ICC on August 12th 2018. This conference featured Sam Harris, Maajid Nawaz, Eric Weinstein, Bret Weinstein…

A Day of Reckoning – 1 – Sam Harris, Eric Weinstein, Bret Weinstein, Maajid Nawaz, Douglas Murray
Panel Appearances
A Day of Reckoning - 1 - Why can't we have civil conversations about race, politics, gender etc.
A Day of Reckoning was an all day conference that took place in Sydney, Australia at the ICC on August 12th 2018.
This conference featured…