Advice for Beginners: Choosing Your Arch-Nemesis to Last a Lifetime.
Most people only see arch-nemeses in movies. Thus, as a luxury item or a bucket-list entry they are surprisingly satisfying as so few people have one.
In this video I go into some of the thinking that lead me to choosing my arch-nemesis…

Looking Beyond the Millennials: A brief discussion with my son Zev Weinstein at 13
[I have kept my son, his face, gender and name off of Social Media almost completely for 13 years to preserve his options and anonymity. He has now asked to come forward with a YouTube channel: https://m.youtube.com/channel/UCUrd25...]

Why the “Intellectual Dark Web” has such a crazy name
I saw a counter-culture developing which the main media institutions were mostly intent on ignoring or deeply misportraying. In this video, I explain how we got them to move from ignoring us to trying to laugh at us and spreading awareness…

First Ever Video Upload: Request to Subscribers for Content Suggestions
Taking a (small) plunge with a first video upload. Please let me know here what content you would be most interested in should I start producing short videos as a way of directly interacting beyond Twitter, Edge.org and random podcasting. No…