The Portal Podcast #021: Ashley Mathews (Riley Reid) – The Mogul & Brains Behind America’s Sweetheart
Longform, The Portal Podcast
Historically, fighting obscenity and indecency charges has always been a central part of the free speech movement. Jim Morrison, Mae West, Lenny Bruce and George Carlin have all been arrested for exciting the public in ways that authorities…

The Portal Podcast #020: Sir Roger Penrose – Plotting the Twist of Einstein’s Legacy
Longform, The Portal Podcast
Roger Penrose is arguably the most important living descendent of Albert Einstein’s school of geometric physics. In this episode of The Portal, we avoid the usual questions put to roger about quantum foundations and quantum consciousness.…

The Portal Podcast #019: Bret Weinstein – The Prediction and the DISC
Longform, The Portal Podcast
All of our Mice are Broken. On this episode of The Portal, Bret and Eric sit down alone with each other for the first time in public. There was no plan.
There was however, a remarkable story of science at its both best and worst that…

The Portal Podcast #018: Eric Weinstein (Solo) – Slipping the DISC: State of The Portal/Chapter 2020
Longform, The Portal Podcast
This "housekeeping" (cough cough) episode of The Portal is only for the hard core listeners who launched this experiment with us. This year we begin to take on the idea of the Distributed Idea Suppression Complex or "DISC".