Modern Wisdom Clips | Eric Weinstein On UFOs

Chris and Eric Weinstein discuss the latest information leaks on UFOs. What does Eric Weinstein think the UFO phenomenon is? Why does Eric Weinstein believe there is more than what is being told to the public? Has the United States lost control…

Modern Wisdom Clips | What Did Jeffrey Epstein Want With Stephen Hawking?

Chris and Eric Weinstein discuss the most recent Jeffery Epstein files. What did Jeffrey Epstein want from Stephen Hawking according to Eric Weinstein? Why did Eric Weinstein think Jeffrey Epstein was interested in physics? What is the power…

Modern Wisdom Clips | The Evolution Of Modern Women’s Preferences In Men

Chris and Eric Weinstein discuss the current state of masculinity. Why don't modern women respond to classical masculinity according to Eric Weinstein? What does Eric Weinstein see as the current disparity between the two genders? Why are men…

We Need a Scientific Revolution | Eric Weinstein at HTLGI 2023

Eric Weinstein discusses what makes science great. Do we need to rethink how we approach science? Join Eric Weinstein for an in-depth interview where he explains the need to go beyond good science to pursue great science. He also discusses…

I’m Afraid Liberal Values Can’t Defeat This Threat | Dave Rubin & Eric Weinstein

Dave Rubin of “The Rubin Report” talks to Eric Weinstein about the weaponization of free speech, democracy, and tolerance; how the bedrock of Western society is being manipulated and used against us; why our traditional recourse of free…

Triggernometry | Sam Harris & Eric Weinstein | Israel-Palestine

Sam and Eric join Konstantin Kisin (@konstantinkisin) and Francis Foster (@francisjfoster) on  TRIGGERnometry to discuss current events and debate the wider issues at play.