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WHAT SHOULD WE BE WORRIED ABOUT? Excellence Over the past two decades I have been involved with the war on excellence. I know that those few of us actively involved in the struggle are deeply worried about the epidemic of excellence precisely because excellence compels its hosts to facilitate its spread by altering their perception […]

Was Feynman right when he said “If you give more money to theoretical physics, it doesn’t do any good if it just increases the number of guys following the comet head”?

This essay was originally published in 2013 on https://www.quora.com [Note added in response to comment: I am responding here to Feynman’s suggestion in the second half of the quote that the *only* way to make progress is to encourage career risk. My objection is to the continuing wasteful and dangerous conflation of personal intellectual risk and […]

How does gauge theory apply to economic models and indices?

This essay was originally published in 2013 on https://www.quora.com Since the excellent and clear article by Prof. Edward Frenkel inspiring this question focuses on my joint work with the economist Pia Malaney, I would be happy to say a few words here. This may be considered a brief sketch of our program through the Institute for New Economic Thinking […]