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Evergreen and Anti-racism – Bret Weinstein

In this Portal podcast clip, Eric Weinstein and Bret Weinstein discuss Bret’s experience at Evergreen State and the beginning of Anti-racism. “These people had flipped the script and said, “If you don’t sign up for our racism, you’re a racist.”” “My point is, the accusation is, in and of itself, so powerful in modern circumstances […]


Eric on Into The Impossible, Part 2: Parenting, Peak Prosperity, & Weinstein University

Part 2 of Brian Keating’s conversation with Eric Weinstein on the INTO THE IMPOSSIBLE podcast pivots from faith & family to the course catalog at “Weinstein University” (fictional, for now!) which would combine scholarship with wonder. We also contemplate the notion of legacies, not just for our actual children, but for our ideological children as […]