
The Portal Podcast #036: Stephon Alexander – Dark Matter, Black Matters and All That Jazz

Stephon Alexander is a first class jazz musician as well as a first rate physicist and a professor at Brown University. As the New President of the National Society of Black Physicists, Eric sits down with Stephon over a good deal of wine…

Eric on Into the Impossible, Ep 49: Theories of Everything, Geometric Unity, Mathematical Reality

Part 1 of Brian Keating's fascinating interview with mathematician & economist Eric Weinstein on the INTO THE IMPOSSIBLE Podcast. Topics include Eric's provocative new ideas on physics and science culture. Eric is a vocal critic of…

The Greatest Puzzles in the Universe – Garrett Lisi

"If you're not a huge fan of human beings, but you really like puzzles, and you're good at math, physics is very attractive." - Garrett Lisi In this Portal podcast clip, Eric Weinstein discusses the importance and the beauty of theoretical…

A Portal Special Presentation- Geometric Unity: A First Look

Eric Weinstein first presented Geometric Unity in three lectures delivered over the course of a week at the University of Oxford by invitation of Marcus du Sautoy, the Simonyi Professor for the Public Understanding of Science. The lectures…