
Twistor Theory – Roger Penrose

"It's like you have to say, "this I believe", and in general people won't say it. " - Eric Weinstein In this Portal podcast clip, Eric Weinstein and Roger Penrose discuss Twistors and Twistor Theory.

Eric on Rage Against the Brush with BUA #28

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Rage Against the Brush is an art talk show where BUA gets his celebrity guests to go deep and open up while drawing together.

The Absolute Beauty of Mathematics – London Tsai

"Once I discovered mathematics, I found that it was more artistic than anything that I'd ever seen before." - London Tsai In this portal podcast clip, Eric Weinstein discusses the artistic nature of mathematics with mathematically-trained…

A Portal Special Presentation- Geometric Unity: A First Look

Eric Weinstein first presented Geometric Unity in three lectures delivered over the course of a week at the University of Oxford by invitation of Marcus du Sautoy, the Simonyi Professor for the Public Understanding of Science. The lectures…

The Portal Podcast #020: Sir Roger Penrose – Plotting the Twist of Einstein’s Legacy

Roger Penrose is arguably the most important living descendent of Albert Einstein’s school of geometric physics. In this episode of The Portal, we avoid the usual questions put to roger about quantum foundations and quantum consciousness.…

The Portal Podcast #014: London Tsai – The Reclusive Dean of The New Escherians

What happened to the Mathematical and Scientific art movement after MC Escher? It went underground.  In this episode of the Portal, Eric begins tracking down the leaders of this hidden movement; one that is smuggling higher…