
Eric & Garrett Lisi on Into The Impossible: Theories (& Experiments) of Everything
Guest Appearances, Live Streams, Longform
A unique live conversation with Eric Weinstein & Garrett Lisi.
00:00:00Brian Keating: The Into The Impossible podcast, featuring a triality of guests. A threesome of the best kind. I don't know if that's true, actually.…

Eric on Into the Impossible: Max Tegmark & Eric Weinstein in Conversation
Guest Appearances, Live Streams, Longform
"Join me and my friends Max Tegmark and Eric Weinstein to chat on the last day of 2020! Let's say 'good riddance' with good friends and great conversation! We'll talk a bit about #ArtificialIntelligence, Theories of Everything & the seemingly…

Into The Impossible livestream, with Stephen Wolfram & Eric Weinstein: The Nature of Mathematical Reality
Guest Appearances, Longform
Eric on PBS Space Time | Theory of Everything Controversies: Livestream
Guest Appearances, Longform
The description below was taken from the original YouTube video's description by PBS Space Time.
Existing Theories of Everything have not yet produced experimental evidence that solves the fundamental challenges facing physics. That lack…

A Portal Special Presentation- Geometric Unity: A First Look
Longform, The Portal Podcast
Eric Weinstein first presented Geometric Unity in three lectures delivered over the course of a week at the University of Oxford by invitation of Marcus du Sautoy, the Simonyi Professor for the Public Understanding of Science. The lectures…