The Portal Podcast #011: Sam Harris – Fighting with Friends
Longform, The Portal Podcast
On this episode of The Portal, Eric talks to one of his closest friends, neuroscientist, philosopher and meditation-guru, Sam Harris. When Sam and Eric sit down they generally agree about a large number of things. So in this experiment…

The Portal Podcast #010: Julie Lindahl – Shaking the poisoned fruit of shame out of the family tree
Longform, The Portal Podcast
Eric sits down with Julie Lindahl, author of "The Pendulum". What happens when an ethnically German girl growing up in Brazil gets curious to finally make sense of her family history to stop the cycle of dysfunction? Julie Lindahl’s new…

The Portal Podcast #009: Bryan Callen – Cracking Wise
Longform, The Portal Podcast
Eric sits down with friend, philosopher, comic, actor and fighter Bryan Callen for a wide ranging conversation on camaraderie, conflict and comedy. Over the course of 2+ hours, the two discuss difficult topics like the holocaust, gender…

The Portal Podcast #008: Andrew Yang – The Different Candidate the Media Wants You to Ignore
Longform, The Portal Podcast
In this episode of the Portal, Eric checks in with his friend Andrew Yang to discuss the meteoric rise of his candidacy; one that represents an insurgency against a complacent political process that the media establishment doggedly tries…

The Portal Podcast #007: Bret Easton Ellis – The Dark Laureate of Generation X
Longform, The Portal Podcast
Eric sits down with Bret Easton Ellis; the two Gen X’ers graduated from rival high schools in a disaffected 1982 Los Angeles that inspired Ellis’ first novel “Less Than Zero”. In this conversation, they reflect on LA, Generation…

The Portal Podcast #006: Jocko Willink – The Way of the Violent Intellectual
Longform, The Portal Podcast
Jocko Willink is a man who radiates decency. He is also part of a community of warriors drawn to test themselves in the crucible of deadly combat against an evil and implacable foe. Eric sits down with Jocko Willink to learn how this cerebral…