The Greatest Puzzles in the Universe – Garrett Lisi
Clips, The Portal Clips
"If you're not a huge fan of human beings, but you really like puzzles, and you're good at math, physics is very attractive." - Garrett Lisi
In this Portal podcast clip, Eric Weinstein discusses the importance and the beauty of theoretical…

The Most Beautiful Wave – Kai Lenny
Clips, The Portal Clips
"It's the closest thing to a rideable tsunami there is because there's no back to the wave." - Kai Lenny
In this Portal podcast clip, Eric Weinstein discusses the sport of Big-wave surfing with professional Big-wave surfer, Kai Lenny.

Ego and Leadership – Jocko Willink
Clips, The Portal Clips
"This other guy who's taking care of himself, he might actually get a promotion ahead of you. He might move ahead of you this time. He might even move ahead of you next time. But guess what? Eventually, people are going to look at that guy.…

Secular Stagnation & Why It Matters – Peter Thiel
Clips, The Portal Clips
"If you pretend the system's working, you're simultaneously signaling that you're one of the few people who should succeed." - Peter Thiel
In this portal podcast clip, Eric Weinstein discusses the slowing rate of technological advancement…

The Danger of Knowledge – Daniel Schmachtenberger
Clips, The Portal Clips
"Real knowledge, I think, has become too dangerous to transmit, and real knowledge doesn't know what social norms are." - Eric Weinstein
In this portal podcast clip, Eric Weinstein discusses the evolution of knowledge as it goes from being…

The Absolute Beauty of Mathematics – London Tsai
Clips, The Portal Clips
"Once I discovered mathematics, I found that it was more artistic than anything that I'd ever seen before." - London Tsai
In this portal podcast clip, Eric Weinstein discusses the artistic nature of mathematics with mathematically-trained…