Jordan Peterson, Eric Weinstein, & Dave Rubin LIVE! on The Rubin Report
Dave Rubin of The Rubin Report talks to Jordan Peterson and Eric Weinstein in a panel discussion.
Hi, I'm Brooke. You can find me on Twitter @brookedallas.
Dave Rubin of The Rubin Report talks to Jordan Peterson and Eric Weinstein in a panel discussion.
Eric Weinstein joins Ben from the shadows of the intellectual dark web to discuss the lack of free thinking on the Left, the costs and benefits of low skilled vs. high skilled focused immigration, and how the Facebook monopoly negatively affects online publishers.
Dave Rubin of The Rubin Report talks to Jordan Peterson, Ben Shapiro, and Eric Weinstein in an Intellectual Dark Web panel discussion.
I saw a counter-culture developing which the main media institutions were mostly intent on ignoring or deeply misportraying. In this video, I explain how we got them to move from ignoring us to trying to laugh at us and spreading awareness and our message in the process, as well as how this counter-culture’s name was […]
At a time when our collective culture is beginning to grapple with the hard issues around end of life, Silicon Valley’s quest for longevity might appear to be a bit out of touch. By examining their own personal impulses – one toward facing death, the other toward hacking our DNA to radically delay dying – […]
Taking a (small) plunge with a first video upload. Please let me know here what content you would be most interested in should I start producing short videos as a way of directly interacting beyond Twitter, and random podcasting. No promises, but if there is really strong interest I will be happy to discuss […]
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