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The Portal Podcast #023: Prof. Agnes Callard – Courage, Meta-cognitive Detachment and Their Limits

Philosopher and University of Chicago Professor Agnes Callard sits down with Eric on this episode of the portal. Agnes is a champion of the philosophical tradition of attempting to detach the capacity for inquiry and reason from the fog of feelings and societal taboos that often keep us from delving deeper into the questions that animate […]


The Portal Podcast #022: Ben Greenfield – Wheat From Chaff in Human Fitness

Eric sits down with leading fitness geek, guru, thinker and human guinea-pig Ben Greenfield to learn how one of the world’s most highly regarded trainers and fitness experts cuts through the nightmare that is our medical literature.  The academic and medical literature in health and medicine is a disaster. Studies are performed and reported in […]


The Portal Podcast #021: Ashley Mathews (Riley Reid) – The Mogul & Brains Behind America’s Sweetheart

Historically, fighting obscenity and indecency charges has always been a central part of the free speech movement. Jim Morrison, Mae West, Lenny Bruce and George Carlin have all been arrested for exciting the public in ways that authorities have found threatening. Recently, however, the erotic and comedic arts have undergone more cryptic attacks via Operation […]


The Portal Podcast #020: Sir Roger Penrose – Plotting the Twist of Einstein’s Legacy

Roger Penrose is arguably the most important living descendent of Albert Einstein’s school of geometric physics. In this episode of The Portal, we avoid the usual questions put to roger about quantum foundations and quantum consciousness. Instead we go back to ask about the current status of his thinking on what would have been called […]