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Eric on Into the Impossible, Ep 49: Theories of Everything, Geometric Unity, Mathematical Reality

Part 1 of Brian Keating’s fascinating interview with mathematician & economist Eric Weinstein on the INTO THE IMPOSSIBLE Podcast. Topics include Eric’s provocative new ideas on physics and science culture. Eric is a vocal critic of modern academic hierarchies and advocates for advances in scientific theory over an emphasis on experimental results. Keating’s own issues […]


Is Jeffrey Epstein Connected to Academia?

“So what I have likened this to is that the United States had something like a Ferrari convertible and it left the top down so that it started getting filled up with rain and it started scrawling, “steal me” in Mandarin, Farsi, Russian, on its front bonnet.” – Eric Weinstein In this Portal podcast clip, […]


The Importance of Taste

This essay appears in audio format at the beginning of The Portal Podcast, Episode 34. Hello, it’s Eric with a few thoughts for this week. I want to talk about a topic that is surprisingly dangerous: taste. Now, taste doesn’t sound like a dangerous topic, at least to my ears. When I hear the word, […]