The Portal Group is a community of friends and collaborators who grew around The Portal Podcast, Eric Weinstein’s ideas, and the spirit behind them. We use this site to share Eric’s news and media appearances. A comprehensive list of all of Eric Weinstein’s appearances can also be found on our wiki.
The Portal Group website works in conjunction with the The Portal Wiki. We take the raw, community-generated content from the wiki and format it here to make it more easily accessible.
Blog suggestions or error reports should be sent to ThePortalPod. Our Senior Editor and head of content is Brooke. Brandon is a professional web developer and consultant. Together they run The Portal Discord server, built the website and projects databases, and set up The Portal Wiki. Aardvark helped develop the wiki, created most of its content, and is our wiki and transcripts editor. Tim and Nick are mathematics students who spend much of their time studying various topics in the field. Any cool graphics that you like were made by Boqu.